Monday, February 25, 2008

Sending files to others in a secure and private way

Many times we wished to send a very large file to a friend and we cannot make it by email, besides you are trying to sending it to several people. 

Then exists very services in the Internet to do that, but my favorite is:

This service does not install any programs in your computer, so you should not fear for some program adware or anything.

The whole process to send is very simple and take place in a simple web page when you enter in the site.

Nobody can know what are you send it, because that information is private for politics of site.

You does not have to create an account for this, just fill 3 field:

then the other person will receive a email from and text of body of message have a link, when clic it the file start to download to the PC.

You may send file even 100 Megabytes

So is easy, secure, private... perfect!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Using that old monitor that you have stored

If you use a laptop and it is not an old model, then you can connect a second monitor to the PC to work with both.

Check the laptop to see if have this port:

so, if the laptop have it, then clean the old monitor and prepare to create the new look like this:

The step are:

  1. Turn on the computer (laptop)
  2. Connect the second monitor to the laptop
  3. Turn on the second monitor
  4. If you have using Windows Vista then appear this windows:

Select the options that you see in the imagen above

If you have Windows XP, then right clic over the Windows Desktop and select Properties from the menu, then choose this options:

Explain: Check the second monitor and checkmark the box "Extend my Windows....", you can drap and drop the box of the second monitor to position in relation to the laptop display, so when you move your mouse in that way, then cursor appear in the second display.

Now you can open any program like Internet Explorer for example, and move the windows (drap and drop) to the second display and maximize there.

Note: if you dont have a laptop, but  a desktop PC then check if have a second connector of monitor, look where you monitor is plug in in the PC and if you see other connector like the first one in this post or like this (DVI connect using for some flat screen):

in this case you can connect a second one too, and looks like this for example:

Some time you need a convert for different connector, that is cheap and is call "DVI to VGA convert"

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Simple, effective and free application software

One of the programs that I use very often when I have to work with two application softwares simultaneously or more ( example I have the bloc of notes, the Excel and Word opened ) and not to have that to get to change sizes of everyone belonging to the aforementioned windows and to move them to be able to see all windows without create a cascade but join next to the other one, then exists a free little program:


With simple combination of keys ctrl + alt + arrow key you can moves each window at the desired position.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Other tools for everyday use

Other tools most used today are the newsreaders, having tested the online RSS readers such as those in google and yahoo and others as many as a Windows application I have notice that the best thus far is the GREATNEWS 

For take short notes is Stickies (free program) and for long annotations and keep it organized the ONENOTE 2007 from Microsoft. 

Monday, February 18, 2008

List of recommended software

List of best software to date (2008) based on my professional experience and daily use: 

Operating System: 

- Windows XP Pro SP2 in English (with the classic theme without refrescador or wallpaper, very simple = very fast and more free memory) 


- None (what I like most viruses, perhaps I get one in a few years, and then I simply delete, otherwise we would have to suffer daily with the hassle of antivirus) 


-  XP or Vista build in 


-Account-free on Yahoo 

- Free program Ypop (to use for yahoo mail from a POP3 and SMTP mail client conventional) 

- Mail Client: THE BAT 

Internet Browser: 

- Opera because is free, very secure, very fast and requires no plug-in to do what others need through plug-in or even nots. 

Registration favorite Internet: 

- LinkStach: I always have my list of favorite sites organized and the hand quickly. 

File Manager: 

- Total Commander: Do not use the Windows Explorer for anything. 

FTP Client: 

- Total Commander 

Unpack archives:

- PowerArchiver 10 

- Total Commander 

 Image Viewer and fix: 

- ACDsee 

- Paint Shop Pro 

CD to MP3 Ripper: 

- Free CD Ripper 


- Windows Media Player 9 (that comes with XP) 

- SMPlayer 

Archives ISO and others: 

- PowerISO 

PDF files: 

-Acrobat Reader 8 

- PDFCreator 

TXT Editors: 

- Notepad2 

-Notepad + +  

XML Editors 

- Altova XMLSpy 

- Microsoft XMLpad 2007 

Programming tools: 

- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 
-Adobe Dreamweaver CS

Ofimatica Package:

- Microsoft Office 2007

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Reading a file PDF easy

If you read very often PDF files and uses a laptop there is a convenient way to read the  archives in most of the reading programs like Acrobat PDF Reader and the FoxiReader. 

It's very simple: 

  1. Open the file 

  2. Put view of a whole page 

  3. Put go on page by page and not on a continuous form

  4. Look for the option to rotate the page to the right in the menu program 

  5. Put the full-screen view 

  6. Now turn your laptop and put it as if it were a magazine in their hands 

  7. To move from one page to another can give the arrow keys left or right


Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Antivirus - such thing worse than viruses

 Many PC users are filled with anti-virus software, anti-everything, and it turns out that their personal computers are slower than a Pentium 300 MHz.

If we see the way in which today spread viruses is not necessary to use any anti-virus just a firewall (Windows XP or Vista build in) is enough  and use some mail program such as  THE BAT and have a secure browser such as Opera and the rest is pure smell, I say,  common sense to click on certain screens that appear Internet browsing seeking to install X system on the PC or any mail you receive with something that brings attached unsolicited and sended by strange person most of the time. 

I didnt this antivirus for many years, and I can guarantee that I have not infested by either virus or spyware or adsware or other virtual aliens.


Customizing Windows

A convenient way to make shortcuts to programs you have installed on your PC is to put the Windows taskbar on the right side of the screen and then create groups according to the types of applications. 

Let's see how you do that step by step: 

-Disable the closure of the taskbar unchecking the option to give lic right on the task bar 

-Drag the bar with the mouse (click on it and hold the left mouse button) and put it on the right side of the screen. 

-Stretching the width of the bar at ease 

-Giving a right click on the bar and bring closure to be fixed 

-Giving a right click on the bar and ask for properties and mark that conceals. 

-Now click on the right button and give Home Open 

-Creating folders according wants grouping programs 

-Drag from the Programs menu accesses directly to the program each group that wishes 

Also see how to put the most commonly used access to the group Access Fast and large icons:

Friday, February 15, 2008

Not everything that shines is gold

I have noticed that Internet users employ what others say it is good, even if really is not. The fact that many do, not mean that it is the best, that happens with many things in real life, it's like fashion, and are those who have their own personal style and those who simply do what the others do and it shows a lack of thought. 

Let's see real examples in the world of data processing: 

Winzip - program to compact and decompress was one of the first in its genre but remains the same even if there were other free and better. 

Linux - all speak bad of or Microsoft Windows (even if it used its PC) and talk about Linux as it is "free" (and have pirated copies of Windows and other soft), which is the best operating system (Repeating as parrots) without knowing even make a correct installation of Windows and Linux much less. 

Customers of which I speak are like children, very easy to deceive and convince of anything. 

Remember that the Internet and the computer in general is a business where the main interest is to make money (You don't gain anything when surfs the Internet, or use your computer, but the sites you visit, your Internet provider and others yes) 

The computer manufacturer prefers to put Linux on the PC to reduce cost of licences and is more profit for their business. 

It has been noticed that most of the hosting platform on the Internet are on Linux and other open source soft because the same formula simple, reduce costs and get more profit. 

The open source where you show the source code is very defended by "certain enterprises" as others working to clear her way free giving additional value to their products with the help of a few programmers free. 

You and many others, does not care whether the source code is available or not, since the majority of Internet users are not programmers or were not interested in wasting time programming for free. 

So think a little more about what they tell us on the Internet and question everything you read. 

Even my article… ..