Monday, February 25, 2008

Sending files to others in a secure and private way

Many times we wished to send a very large file to a friend and we cannot make it by email, besides you are trying to sending it to several people. 

Then exists very services in the Internet to do that, but my favorite is:

This service does not install any programs in your computer, so you should not fear for some program adware or anything.

The whole process to send is very simple and take place in a simple web page when you enter in the site.

Nobody can know what are you send it, because that information is private for politics of site.

You does not have to create an account for this, just fill 3 field:

then the other person will receive a email from and text of body of message have a link, when clic it the file start to download to the PC.

You may send file even 100 Megabytes

So is easy, secure, private... perfect!

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